Welcome to Washington Association of Future Firefighters
Welcome to Washington Association of Future FirefightersWelcome to Washington Association of Future FirefightersWelcome to Washington Association of Future Firefighters
“Preparing Today’s Youth, For the Fire Service Tomorrow”
Welcome to Washington Association of Future Firefighters
Welcome to Washington Association of Future FirefightersWelcome to Washington Association of Future FirefightersWelcome to Washington Association of Future Firefighters
“Preparing Today’s Youth, For the Fire Service Tomorrow”
We are in the process of making several changes to the board. We will begin planning for the 2024 Muster which will be held in spring. We will also be looking for a venue to host the muster. Please contact WAFF President Cameron Greenfield with any questions or information.
WAFF Meetings will be held on a monthly schedule to improve planning and predictability.
Please update any changes in contact information to Cameron.
Timothy Dungan
WAFF IT Director
(253) 951-7193
Forcible Entry returns to this year's muster!!!!
About Us
To serve as a recognized lead association for the exchange of ideas, information, knowledge, and experience in the Fire Service, centering on Five Area of Emphasis. These five areas are: Career Opportunities, Fire Service Learning, Leadership Experience, Life Skills, and Character Education
Membership is open to established and recognized firefighting-based youth programs. To be recognized as a group in good standing, all initiation fees, annual dues, and other established fees shall be paid in full, and members shall maintain the minimum meeting attendance. Regular meetings are held every other month on a continuous basi
Membership is open to established and recognized firefighting-based youth programs. To be recognized as a group in good standing, all initiation fees, annual dues, and other established fees shall be paid in full, and members shall maintain the minimum meeting attendance. Regular meetings are held every other month on a continuous basis at a location designated by the membership. Active Membership allows for full voting privileges in all association business. Also participation in the Summer Fire Academy, WAFF Scholarships, Practice Written and Oral Board Exams, H.O.T. sessions and other WAFF sponsored activities and events.
One time initiation fee for new groups shall be $50. No dues are required for the first year.
Annual Dues shall be $50 per Active Membership annually.
Thank You
Thank You
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
WAFF Regular Meetings
Next Regular WAFF Meetng - January 23, 2025 on Zoom
Hi Everyone,
The next WAFF regular meeting will be on Thursday, January 234d at 1900 hours. We will be doing the meeting online. Please contact me to get an invitation to the meeting.
Please have one representative (this includes the Fire Exploring/Fire Cadet Officers) from each program on line.
We need everyone's input on programs, events, and training to make the WAFF organization better, to serve you the members.
Cameron Greenfield
(509) 406-6502
WAFF Membership Application
To become a member of WAFF, please fill out the membership form and e-mail it back to WAFFFemail@Gmail.com